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OER Capability Toolkit book cover

OER Capability Toolkit

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  22 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Julian Blake, Jane Halson, Ian Kolk, Anne Lennox, Stuart Moffat, Frank Ponte, Rebecca Rata, Carrie Thomas

Editor(s): Frank Ponte, Carrie Thomas, Rebecca Rata

Subject(s): Teaching staff, Higher education, tertiary education, Open learning, distance education

Institution(s): RMIT University

Publisher: RMIT Open Press

Last updated: 24/07/2024

The OER Capability Toolkit aims to provide educators a fundamental understanding in the use and creation of OER. This book provides a higher education Australian perspective and content is broken down into five parts: Defining Open Education and OER; Understanding Open Licensing; Finding and Evaluating OER; Adapting, Creating and Sharing OER; and Open Pedagogy, Principles and Practices. Each part features interactive elements culminating in a final exercise that enables educators to reflect on their own course curriculum to include OER and think about how open pedagogical principles can be introduced in their own teaching practice.
Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers book cover

Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  72 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): RMIT University Library

Subject(s): Research methods: general, Language learning for academic, technical and scientific purposes, Research methods: general, Higher education, tertiary education

Institution(s): RMIT University

Publisher: RMIT Open Press

Last updated: 24/07/2024

Research and Writing Skills for Academic and Graduate Researchers is for higher degree students and academics who want to develop skills to assist them on their research journey, from the beginning stages of searching the literature and developing a research proposal, to writing and presentation skills, and on to managing their researcher profile and finding evidence of their research impact.

While written with RMIT University higher degree and academic researchers in mind, other researchers world-wide may find it applicable – feel free to adopt or adapt to suit your own context.

This set of modules is under development – check back regularly to find additional content.

Learning Lab Contextualised Content book cover

Learning Lab Contextualised Content

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  103 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Teryn Attwell, Kelly Ann Smith, Riley Barber, Azadeh Mobasheri

Subject(s): Educational: Study and revision guides, Teachers’ classroom resources and material, For advanced / upper secondary education, For higher / tertiary / university education

Institution(s): RMIT University

Publisher: RMIT Open Press

Last updated: 22/07/2024

Learning Lab Contextualised Content (LLCC) is a multidisciplinary suite of digital open educational resources.  It supports learners and educators by providing foundation resources in an interactive, flexible, and shareable format.

Developed by educators and digital learning designers, the aim of this content is to provide realistic examples of the implementation of skills and knowledge required by students at a tertiary level. Included in the LLCC are materials on a range of subjects from maths, physics, and writing, to critical thinking, collaboration, and time management. The resources encourage learners to think about how they will apply these skills in their future careers and focus on four industry areas: engineering, economics and marketing, healthcare, and social services.  

All objects sit within a larger story, that of the Salty Creek Community Festival, and can be explored holistically by the learner. However, each learning object is also modular, meaning it can be used as an independent lesson or activity.