Explore further

Congratulations on completing this module. We looked at the way researchers use premises and claims to build arguments in academic writing. We also covered the importance of positioning your own work by identifying the gap in the field and we looked at the significance of thesis statements and why they are essential in research.
Remember, research is an opportunity to add something new to your field of interest. That’s exciting!
Further assistance
For more assistance with your writing, see an Academic Skills Adviser in the Library.
The module Developing an Effective Research Proposal explores formulating research questions in more depth.
Further information and resources on developing academic writing can be found in the Learning Lab. You may also be interested in exploring some more learning activities related to writing in the Learning Lab.
Learn more
For more on how to write an argument in research writing, consult the following resources:
- Thesis Whisperer How to Create Authoritative Voice in your Writing.
- Virginia Wesleyan University How to Create a Strong Thesis Statement
- Washington University Claims, Claims, Claims
Generative AI tools may be useful to automate and streamline various aspects of research and writing at postgraduate level. However, the AI environment is constantly changing. For up-to-date guidance on how AI can be ethically integrated into your research project at RMIT University, consult your course coordinator and the following tools:
Epting, L. K. (2018). Pedagogy of Academic Narrative: Insights from They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing by Graff and Birkenstein (2014). Perspectives on Behavior Science, 41(2), 561–568. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40614-018-0175-4.
Haydon, K. (2008). Antarctic Landscapes in the souvenir and jewellery [Doctoral dissertation, RMIT University]. RMIT Research Repository. https://researchrepository.rmit.edu.au/esploro/outputs/doctoral/Antarctic-landscapes-in-the-souvenir-and/9921861485801341).
Heady, E. (2013). Introduction to Graduate Writing (2nd edn.). Liberty University. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/blc_fac_pubs/1.
Kamler, B and Thomson, P. (2006). Helping Doctoral Students Write. Pedagogies for supervision. Routledge.
Your comments and suggestions on how we can improve this module will be appreciated. Please email us.
What’s next?
You have completed this module on How to write about your Research. To choose another module to complete go to https://rmit.pressbooks.pub/researchwritingmasterstudents/