

As an open source software Zotero is widely used and has extensive support and documentation available online.

Features of Zotero

Zotero has:

  • 300mb of free storage (additional storage can be purchased)
  • full integration of web and desktop versions
  • excellent citation capture from webpages, including a preserved snapshot of the webpage as an HTML file
  • many library sharing and collaboration options with various permissions levels, from fully public libraries (anyone with the link can edit your shared library) to closed groups (invited people only can view the shared library)


Zotero is used by many researchers at RMIT University. Here’s a short video of Dr Stephen Rowley speaking about aspects of Zotero that he finds useful.


Dr Stephen Rowley talks about Zotero (6:11 mins)

Dr Stephen Rowley talks about Zotero by RMIT University Library is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0