

These modules are for Masters by coursework students enrolled in a range of disciplines that may require a research component . They are designed to build capability in research information skills and in research writing.

While written with RMIT University Masters by coursework students in mind, other postgraduate students world-wide may find it useful – feel free to adopt or adapt to suit your own context.

This open book covers searching the literature to find the most relevant and current information; reviewing the literature (including a step by step guide on conducting a systematic review). We cover how to use a literature reference manager (i.e. Endnote or Zotero) to organise your reading. Latter modules  provide guidance on developing a research proposal and on writing with authority on your chosen topic.


Generative AI tools may be useful to automate and streamline various aspects of research and writing at postgraduate level. However, the AI environment is constantly changing. For up-to-date guidance on how AI can be ethically integrated into your research project at RMIT University, consult your course coordinator and the following tools: