
El nombre

Los datos personales

Image one: Glenda and Susana chatting


transcript can be found below 3rd image


Image one: Glenda and Susana chatting. Transcript of image below.

Transcript of image one

Text box one: Presentarse

Transcript of text box one

Text box two: El verbo Llamarse

Transcript of text box two



                                                              En el salón de clase

Esta es la clase de español de Glenda y  Susana. Conozcamos a los estudiantes. (This is Glenda´s and Susana´s Spanish class. Let´s meet the students)
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
Image two: Glenda and Susana teaching
Glenda and Susana in a classroom, in front of a white board, teaching to students.

Nota cultural. In the Spanish-speaking world we can use , vos and usted for the singular form you, depending on the country. For example, in México it is common to use as in Spain. Vos is widely used in El Salvador, Guatemala as well as in Argentina and Uruguay and in some parts of Colombia. Using usted is the formal form in many countries; however, in some countries it not only means respect but also a loving way of talking to friends and family. Now, we also use ustedes and vosotros for the plural form depending once again on the country. It is very common to use vosotros in Spain, while ustedes is a more common use in Latin American countries. None are better than others, they are simply used in different content depending on the culture and location.

Image of Amira saying: "Me llamo Amira".
Image of Lachie saying: "Yo, me llamo Lachie".
Image of Gianluca saying: "Me llamo Gianluca".
Image of Amira and Mei. Amira: "¿Cómo te llamas?" Mei: "Me llamo Mei."
Image of Lachie, Becky and Rodrigo. Lachie: "¿Cómo os llamáis?" Rodrigo: "Nos llamamos Becky y Rodrigo."
Image of Rodrigo and Hope. Rodrigo: "¿Cómo te llamas?" Hope: "Me llamo Hope."


1. Escuchamos y escribimos lo que oimos. (Listen carefully and write what you hear)


2. Responde las preguntas con tu información personal. (Answer the former question with your own personal details)


3. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo “llamarse” en las siguientes oraciones. (Write the correct form of the verb “llamarse” in the following sentences).


4. Responde a las siguientes preguntas. (Answer the following questions).

Images adapted by Susana Chaves Solis, by Tirachardz, Cookie_studio, Halayalex, Wayhomestudio, Lookstudio and Holiak on Freepik.



Gianluca and Becky are sitting at a desk studying. One person is looking at their computer, the other writing with a pen on a piece of paper.-¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?

-Muy bien gracias, y ¿tú?

-Bien, ¿te llamas Amy, verdad?

-No, no me llamo Amy, me llamo Becky.

-¡Ah! Perdona.

-No pasa nada. ¿Te llamas Gianluca?

-Sí, me llamo Gianluca. Encantado Becky.

-Igualmente Gianluca.


Text box three: Las oraciones negativas

transcript below image
Transcript of text box three


1. Arrastra las palabras para contestar a las siguientes preguntas. (Drag the words to answer the following questions)