
Authors and Contributors


This book is the product of the collaboration of many people. We express our sincere gratitude to our collaborators who have collectively provided us with videos, recording, readings, photos, ideas, images, tables – the list goes on and on.

A huge thank to Ian Kolk from RMIT library for his amazing work and support, who kept on top of copyright and all the administration that goes behind doors and for making sure we were on the right track and getting the right support. We thank Eloise Acuna Digital Media Designer for dedicating her precious time to us and creating an authentic cover for this book, which reflect some of our students in our Spanish class.

We thank Laura Young, another Digital Media Designer at RMIT for her patience in creating the avatars/animation of each character that reflect some of our students in our Spanish class at RMIT and of course Susana and Glenda. Another big thanks to Matthew Millis for translating every single table and picture in this book, so that every student can have access to these learnings, and for transferring every student’s video into the YouTube Channel, amazing job. We also like to thanks Steven Tapping who came to our rescue at the last minute to fix every single vocabulary table, and to Julia Augoyard for her guidance on the book’s transcriptions.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the reviewers of this book: Dr Sol Rojas-Lizana (UQ), Ms Rossa Maria Prieto (Counsellor for Education of Spain/ Consejera de Educación Australia, India, Nueva Zelanda y el Sudeste asiático) and Mr Matthew Millis (learning Designer at RMIT). Each of them provided insightful feedback for a better projection of the book’s context, whose constructive feedback strengthened the aim of this book: learning Spanish from an Australian context with the diversity of culture and language in Spanish-speaking countries.

Thank you to our students and friends who made videos, audios and podcast to us and for us to enrich this digital book. Some of these students are: Joseph Sibbick,  YingxinXu, Sam Murray, Ery Tachmatzidou, Lawson Bell, Zali Emer, and Olivia Zboril  who allowed us to use their fantastic videos. This shows that you, as students reading this book, can do the same.

We also thank Alexandre Hadjiconstantinou for recording a conversation for us. Gracias also to Abraham (México), Johnny and Natalia (Colombia) and Cristina (Perú), a great group of Latin American international PhD students at RMIT for their time recording the podcast and sharing their culture with us.