6 Grammar, formatting and spelling

Grammar and formatting

Refer to the Australian Style Guide,[1] paying particular attention to:

  • punctuation
  • numbers and measurements
  • dates and time
  • shortened forms (abbreviations, contractions, initialisations and acronyms)
  • person and organisation names
  • lists.


Australian English spelling is preferred, but document other spelling variation choices in your Style Sheet.

Specialist vocabulary

If your subject matter uses specialist vocabulary, provide this with your submission.  Use your Style Sheet to:

  • document specialist vocabulary
  • provide a separate vocabulary list
  • nominate a specialist dictionary, preferably with an online location.

Use the Pressbooks glossary tool to create embedded definitions within the published text. This tool also creates a complete glossary at the end of the resource.


Spell out in full any acronyms or initialisms the first time they are used in a chapter.

If the abbreviation is something that is commonly used in the discipline you are writing about, you may choose to use the Pressbooks glossary tool to do this.  Pressbooks then creates an embedded definition within the published text, as well as providing a complete glossary at the end of the resource.

If the abbreviation is not a term specifically associated with the discipline, such as an organisation name, then simply spelling it out may be more appropriate the first time it is used in a chapter, with the abbreviation in brackets.  Subsequent mentions in the chapter can just be the abbreviation.

There are some circumstances where an abbreviation is so commonly understood that it is not necessary to define it for your intended audience, for example NASA, LASER.


Using the Glossary tool

OER are widely used to create textbooks which are appropriate to local cohorts and available to the community beyond academia.

Spelling out an abbreviation

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are a set of principles designed to advance global equality.  Considering the SDGs in your project goals will….

  1. Plain English Foundation. (2020). The Australian style guide. https://www.australianstyleguide.com


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