

EndNote is the most commonly used reference manager at RMIT University. RMIT University pays for an institutional licence for all staff and students, and one of the main benefits of using EndNote is the support available from the Library.

Features of EndNote

In addition to the main features common to all reference managers, EndNote:

  • provides unlimited storage for full-text documents and associated files
  • works with a wide range of word processing applications including MS Word (Windows and Mac), OpenOffice and Apple Pages. EndNote also works reasonably well with Google Docs
  • has a ‘Find full text’ function as well as the ability to attach full-text documents
  • has good tools for editing existing referencing styles or creating new ones
  • allows for the transfer of a Mendeley or Zotero library via a RIS, XML or BibTeX file using the import functionality.

EndNote also provides an online version called EndNote Online. EndNote Online has limited functionality, for example, you can’t edit styles or use term lists for journal abbreviations. However, you can use EndNote Online to sync between devices and share groups, or your Library with others. Storage capacity for EndNote Online is dependent on your account type.

Pros and cons of EndNote

Positives Negatives
Library supported Poor online option
Many referencing styles Lose access when leaving RMIT


How to use EndNote 21 in seven minutes: Windows  (7:52 mins)

How to use EndNote 21 in seven minutes: Windows (7:52 mins) by EndNote (YouTube)


How to use EndNote 21 in seven minutes: macOS  (7:52 mins)

How to use EndNote 21 in seven minutes: macOS (7:52 mins) by EndNote (YouTube)


There are a number of resources for EndNote available. These include:

RMIT University Library guide – EndNote

RMIT University Library website – EndNote reference manager