Relevancy, quality and discoverability

There are a range of methods and tools that can be used to identify relevant journals within subject areas, such as journal lists.
An indication of a journal’s quality is whether the journal conducts peer reviews on submitted journal articles. Not all articles within a peer reviewed journal will be refereed, the process by which papers are reviewed for their quality by recognised academics or experts in the field before they are accepted for publication. For example, editorials, opinion letters, etc. are not peer reviewed. Universities require research publications to be peer reviewed. For more information about the eligibility criteria for a journal article to be included as a research publication at RMIT refer to the RMIT Researcher Portal.
When selecting a journal, consider whether your target audience can find your work, possibly make your article open access.
Criteria for journal selection
Watch the following video where Professor James Arvanitakis talks about some of the key tips to set you on the right path when it comes to publishing an academic journal article.
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