
Versioning history

This page provides a record of edits and changes made to this text from pre-publication to its latest iteration. Whenever edits or updates are made in the text, we provide a record and description of those changes here.

If you have a correction or recommendation you would like to suggest, please contact the RMIT University Library Research Services Team.

Version Date Type Description Page
Pre-publication 2017-2022 Graduate Researcher KnowHow WordPress site
Pre-publication 2018-2022 Research Skills for HDR Candidates WordPress site
V1 21/09/2022 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Developing an effective research proposal

V2 16/12/2022 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Developing an effective research proposal

V3 15/02/2023 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Developing an effective research proposal

Setting up a researcher profile

V4 17/05/2023 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Developing an effective research proposal

Publishing a journal article

Setting up a researcher profile

V5 19/05/2023 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Developing an effective research proposal

Publishing a journal article

Setting up a researcher profile

Are you being cited?

V6 19/07/2023 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Developing an effective research proposal

Writing the literature review

Publishing a journal article

Setting up a researcher profile

Are you being cited?

V7 14/08/2023 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Choosing a reference manager

Developing an effective research proposal

Writing the literature review

Publishing a journal article

Setting up a researcher profile

Are you being cited?

v8 7/12/2023 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Choosing a reference manager

Developing an effective research proposal

Writing the literature review

Becoming a research writer

Publishing a journal article

Setting up a researcher profile

Are you being cited?

v9 13/06/2024 Research and writing skills for academic and graduate researchers Modules:

Strategies and resources for searching the literature

Conducting a systematic review

Choosing a reference manager

Developing an effective research proposal

Writing the literature review

Becoming a research writer

Managing yourself and your research

Publishing a journal article

Setting up a researcher profile

Are you being cited?