
Other RGB colour models

Within RGB colour space, there are different models for describing aspects of colours. These were originally developed for different purposes like television or computer graphics. Representations of these models are still found in many common image editing applications.

HSL represents the values of Hue, Saturation, and Lightness.

HSV represents Hue, Saturation, and Value (also referred to as Brightness)

HWB represents the values of Hue, Whiteness, and Blackness.

  • Hue is the colour wavelength on the visible spectrum
  • Saturation is the intensity of that colour, and;
  • Lightness describes lighter and darker variants of a colour.
  • Alpha-channel: in HSL-A colour or RGBa colour, the A represents the Alpha channel, or transparency of the colour, which is used in image editing and web design contexts to allow for transparent layers of colour to be represented.
  • Value/Brightness: this value is different to Lightness in HSL – it relates to how bright a colour is, not how light (pale) or dark a colour is.
  • Whiteness & Blackness – used in the HWB colour model, these values are different to Lightness and Brightness and represent how much white or black is mixed with the Hue.

It can be confusing to understand what these different values mean until you see them working in a practical way. Here is an interactive colour selector you can use to learn about different colour values. You can enter a colour value and it will display values for six different colour models.

Activity: type an RGB, HEX, or other set of colour values into the space provided and see the colour and values for each model.

Figure 3.23. Colour converter tool. Media attribution:  Interactive colour converter (JavaScript) by Derk Jan Speelman on CodePen



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Colour Theory: Understanding and Working with Colour Copyright © 2023 by RMIT University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.