
Transcript: Bo Q and A infographic

Master’s student, Bo, answers your questions.


@chrisjenavasar asked: Is economics just about money?

Bo’s answer: It’s so much more than that! Economics is a multidisciplinary subject, meaning it incorporates a bunch of other subjects. An economics student might study financial literacy and trade, but also trends in other areas like immigration, equality, sustainability, and sociology.

@dontbsalty asked: What do you like about studying economics?

Bo’s answer: My area of interest is economic sustainability. I’m really passionate about helping rural and regional economies grow, without negatively impacting the environment and certain groups of people. Economic growth doesn’t mean much if it damages our planet and only benefits the few.

@adamsmith1729 asked: Any advice for people studying online?

Bo’s answer: If you’re starting an online course, my advice is to focus on improving your online communication and collaboration skills. Many of us grew up using social media and are comfortable online. But being able to have class discussions and work together online is a different skill. You’ll have a head start if you build your online learning skills as early as possible.

@martymcgoat asked: How is your study life different now to when you did your first degree?

Bo’s answer: Well, the subjects in my master’s degree are pretty much the same, we just get to explore them in greater detail, which is cool. Something I’ve noticed is that I’m better at managing my time now. During my first degree I struggled with procrastination, but I made a conscious effort to improve my skills in time management and that’s definitely paying off now.

@freya2900 asked: What kind of job can you get with your degree?

Bo’s answer: There are positions for economists in many areas of industry, government, and education. Plus, the skills you learn studying economics can be valuable in other types of jobs too. I’m starting a job as a consultant for a growing agricultural company next year.  I’ll be advising them on economic sustainability.

@a562009 asked: I’d like to study at university, but I live really far away and I’m not sure I can afford it. Do you have any advice?

Bo’s answer: I was actually in the same boat! Luckily, I was able to get a regional scholarship, which was a huge weight off my shoulders financially.  My advice is to research the support available. There are all kinds of scholarships and financial support schemes out there.  You can look online or reach out to the university. Also, if you don’t want to move, there are many degrees which are fully online these days.


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