
Transcript: Source excerpts and analyses card activity

Card 1:

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Source 1 Excerpt

Wine Enthusiast

15 December 2020

“Millennials and Gen Z Could Save the Wine Industry” by Amber Lucas*

“In the ’90s, the wine consumer was asking, ‘Who made this?’” says [Martin] Reyes. “In the past decade, it was, ‘How was it grown?’ I believe the next question, the one that Gen Z will ask is, ‘How did my wine get here?’ The ethics of farming and the wine’s carbon footprint will be in question. The bottom line will be accountability.”


Back of card:


Wine Enthusiast is an American magazine for both consumers of wine and people in the wine industry. It’s been around for over 30 years.

The person quoted in the article, Martin Reyes, is the founder of an education and consultancy group for those associated with the wine industry. Reyes is only one person, and he isn’t specifically citing any research. He might be on the right track, but I’ll need to see if there’s any other information or statistics to back up his opinion.


Card 2:

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Source 2 Excerpt

Wine Intelligence

9 February 2022

“What will happen to Australia’s new millennial wine drinkers in 2022?” by Serina Aswani*

The biggest change in the population post-pandemic is the growth of Millennials as a major and meaningful driver of behaviour in wine.

This group differs from their elders in that they are looking more for variety and experiences, and are less moved by low prices, and/or reliable and familiar brands. Brands still move, and promotions are still important; yet newer consumers also appear to value the idea of buying something more personal, unusual, and meaningful, which is typically more artisanal, and more expensive.


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Wine Intelligence is a large international firm focusing on wine market research. They have an office in Australia, and Australia is one of their research markets. This information is available for free on their website, and appears to be based on a research study from July 2021 with 1000 “regular Australian wine drinkers”.

It’s not clear how the study participants were recruited or how they are distributed across age demographics. If only 20 of the 1000 people in the study are Millennials, I might be sceptical of the results. But this information is similar to what I read in Source 1, so I can conclude from my related reading that Millennials likely are interested in having a personal connection and meaningful experience with the wine they drink.


Card 3:

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Source 3 Excerpt

International Wineries for Climate Action

24 November 2022

“Bottled Up: Unpacking the Facts about Wine Bottles and Climate Change”*

As it stands, packaging and transportation are some of the biggest culprits: combined, they account for over 40% of wineries’ climate emissions (an average calculated from IWCA members’ GHG emissions data).

Emissions from packaging largely come from outsourced glass production. The heavier a bottle, the higher its environmental impact; the less recycled glass in a bottle, the higher its environmental impact.


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The owners of Gumtree Hill were inspired in their sustainability transformation by information from International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA). The organisation was founded in 2019 and calls itself “a collaborative working group of environmentally committed wineries”. The information in this article comes directly from their members.

This source shows me that bottle weight and buying bottles locally are very important in winery sustainability. I know Gumtree Hill gets their bottles from an Australian supplier and is switching to lighter-weight bottles, so I will recommend they include this information on their label.


Card 4:

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Source 4 Excerpt

Wine Business

28 Aug 2019

“Gen Z Wine Consumers: What Do They Want from the Wine Industry?” by Liz Thach*

A major open-ended question on the survey asked Gen Zers: “What should the Wine Industry do to market better to Gen Z?”

The number one piece of advice was more online advertising cited 62 times by the sample.

The second highest scoring suggestion had to do with better packaging and design. . . The responses also showed that Gen Z desired clearer labelling of wines so that consumers could tell what was in the bottle and how the wine tastes.


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The author of the article is a professor at Sonoma State University who studies the business aspects of wine and wineries. This article is based on research that she published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Wine Business Research.

According to the article, the survey had 158 Gen Z participants who answered questions about their preferences and perceptions of wine. This isn’t a very big number, and the research is a couple of years old now—a lot has changed in the world since 2019. Even still, this gives me a starting point when considering how to market wine to Gen Z consumers.


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